AndroidMakers by droidcon 2023
At frog, we were thrilled to attend AndroidMakers by droidcon, a 2-day conference that brought together over 800 participants for more than 80 talks. You can watch all the replays on YouTube, but…
Read on MediumAndroid Makers Paris 2022
The Android Makers conference kicked off in Paris on April 25th for 2 days of sessions, workshops and showcases. It brought together more than 600 attendees for over 60 sessions. Thanks to frog, I…
Read on MediumAddressable TV
Since August 5, 2020 (decree № 2020–983), segmented advertising has been authorized on television in France, meaning that TV channels have the possibility to address different advertising messages to…
Read on MediumGoogle Play in-app reviews
The Google Play Core Library adds support for in-app reviews, allowing users to submit ratings and reviews without leaving your app or game. Through the Notepad app study case, this article will show…
Read on MediumHow we redesigned LCL Mes Comptes on Android
We, at Idean, have been working for many years with LCL, a major French bank. LCL Mes Comptes has more than 500k daily active users on Android and it has been elected best banking app by its…
Read on MediumHow to implement a dark theme on Android
Android 10 adds a system-wide dark theme, which preserves battery power for devices with OLED screens, reduces eye strain, and facilitates use in low-light environments. These guidelines will show…
Read on Medium